The Simplest
Path to an
IBS Diagnosis
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Commonly Asked Questions
What is the cost and coverage?
​​The uncovered cost of IBS-Smart is $220 per test. A claim is filed on the patient’s behalf. Patients with private insurance plans are responsible for the balance not covered by insurance. There is no cost for the test for Medicare patients. To estimate patient responsibility, patients should contact their insurance company and let them know we bill CPT code 83520 twice (once for each antibody).
Is this test covered by Medicare/Medicaid?
​​MThe test is covered in part by Medicare/Medicaid, and we do not balance bill Medicare/Medicaid patients.
Can I dropship a kit to my patients?
Yes, you can. You just need to fill out the order form above with the patient’s address.
I don't offer blood draw services. Where can my patient go?
Patients can visit https://www.ibssmart.com/blooddraw to find an independent blood draw lab near to them.
How soon will I get test results?
Results are typically ready 7 days after receipt of the blood sample.
Where is the test conducted?
The test is run at our CLIA-certified partner lab, PacificDx, in Irvine, CA.